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The Archive Project

Featured Exhibits

Dream Series Artwork


The attic work is about trust.  Trust in creative intuition enhanced by sight deprivation during the composition phase. (I wore a blind fold to draw.)

blindfold series artwork
blindfold series artwork
dots artwork


Connect the dots theme is a literal translation:  Orbs join on a flat surface to create images by way of foam spheres linked by wire and composition.

dots artwork
connect the dots artwork
contrast art


The sensory experience of composing with perspective is contrasted with the visceral sensation of abstract expression.

abstract art
contrast art
Ocean Liner art


You Know It’s Coming, is an exhibit based on a dream of a car size wagon wheel careening down hill toward an unawares chap whose disheveled oversized figure looks like a bowling pin.

dream artwork
bell art
Atlantic Works Art Gallery


 Profound time honored parables travel thousands of years to present day, through historical nexus.

historical art
historical artwork
contemporay artwork


Some artist traverse a figurative tight rope with literal unsure steps as they figure out what to sacrifice and what to keep in the absence of a steady paycheck.

contemporary artwork
Good and Plenty art


Who are you and what do you want me to do?
The rest is up to you

scrap art
scrap artwork

One Moment

“Everyone stands alone at the heart of the world
Pierced by a ray of sunlight

And suddenly it’s evening.”

By Salvatore Quasimodo

figurative sculpture
hybrid art


A Haiku illustrated journey through demise and resurrection. A teaching tool designed to educate and inspire those who aspire to recover or evolve.

illustrated haiku
book format art
crystal bowl


To gather or pour molten glass into a shape or mold is,
 To ladle and tame the earths core.

glass art
blown glass art
dream inspired art


“The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul which opens to that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach.”

By Carl G. Jung

dream artwork
glass poem


My artistic foundation is crafted in the hot and cold shops of glass studios.  The industrial hardware, physical labor, and technical skills required to evolve design into product fit well into a working class experience.

glass sculpture
glass art
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